So, I thought John Piper (who I wrote all about in my early days on this blog) was unique in that he actually had no problem directly saying that God sometimes commands the killing of children, but apparently now WLC is doing it, too.
In the incredible off chance that a reader finds themselves hearing this kind of voice, please consider this point from Non Stamp Collector:
If the characters in the Bible weren’t lying in order to steal land from their neighbors, their experiences are explainable by the well-documented medical phenomenon of psychosis. These arguments are dangerous because they’re not purely hypothetical; others regularly describe the same experience. I can only imagine how terrifying that experience would be and how hard it would be to ask for help, since it’s hard enough for me to ask for help when I’m suicidal. The decision of whether to go to the emergency room (which would be the RIGHT decision) or shoot up an elementary school (which would be the WRONG decision) is just blurred by this kind of theology. WLC might feel fine talking about this because he’s so far removed from the people who died thousands of years ago. But what he’s viewing as an abstract concept has huge modern implications. We don’t need any more tragedies.